Your Special Occasions,

Elevated by Aviv Restaurant

At Aviv Restaurant, we understand that life’s most precious moments deserve an equally remarkable culinary experience. Whether it's a birthday, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, a wedding reception or any other special occasion, we're committed to adding a memorable kosher flavour to your celebration.

Birthdays & Special Events

Birthdays are milestones best celebrated with exceptional food. Indulge your guests with Aviv's timeless kosher menu. Our dedicated team takes pride in crafting menus that cater to your unique tastes, creating an unforgettable dining experience.

Celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is a cherished moment, a rite of passage that deserves a grand celebration. At Aviv, we add a special touch to these milestones with our delectable kosher dishes. Let us handle the catering as you focus on creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Private Hire

Our restaurant’s inviting atmosphere and modern design make it an ideal venue for private events. Our space can accommodate a variety of event sizes, all while maintaining the warm and welcoming ambience Aviv is known for.